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2.1 Introduction

Learning objectives
1. Brief history of AI and ML
2. Difference between AI, ML, statistics and data science
3. Understand why computers compute!

Talk the talk

  • Algorithm
  • Heuristic
  • Logic Gate

2.2 Origins

Elektro, 1936, Electric house Talos, greek mithology 1945, Alan Turing

Can machine think? by A.M. Turing

The fist use of the term “Artificial intelligence” was founded in the proposal for the Dartmouth summer research project on Artificial intelligence at 1955

This is related to

  1. Automatic computers
  2. How can a computer be programmed to use a language?
  3. Neuron nets
  4. Theory of size of a calculation
  5. Self-improvement
  6. Abstraction
  7. Randomness and creativity

    2.3 Machine Learning

Arthur Samuel, in 1959, he created a checker playing program. That was one of the first examples of a self-learning program. This contained the first concepts relative to reiforcement learning

Data Science vs Machine Learning

Data science and machine learning share a common branch of the “Math roots”, that being applied mathematics

Artificial Intelligence Space

This include:

  • Natural Language processing
  • Speech
  • Robotics
  • Expert Systems
  • Vision _ Neural Networks
  • Machine Learning

Machine Learning Space

  • Ensemble
  • Reinforcement
  • Supervised
  • Semi-supervised
  • Unsupervised
  • Whatever’s next …


2.4 Machine Learning Models

2.5 Why it Works: Logic Gates

2.6 Lab: Logic Gates

try with logic.ly
