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This is my danger type callout. It has a border on the left whose color you define by passing a type parameter.
This is my default type callout. It has a border on the left whose color you define by passing a type parameter.
This is my primary type callout. It has a border on the left whose color you define by passing a type parameter.
This is my success type callout. It has a border on the left whose color you define by passing a type parameter.
This is my warning type callout. It has a border on the left whose color you define by passing a type parameter.
Important information: This is my callout. It has a border on the left whose color you define by passing a type parameter. I typically use this style of callout when I have more information that I want to share, often spanning multiple paragraphs.

Here I am starting a new paragraph, because I have lots of information to share. You may wonder why I’m using line breaks instead of paragraph tags. This is because Kramdown processes the Markdown here as a span rather than a div (for whatever reason). Be grateful that you can be using Markdown at all inside of HTML. That’s usually not allowed in Markdown syntax, but it’s allowed here.


Tags: formatting