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Simulación del motor DC

En este apartado se explica el proceso de inicialización de la máquina. En la figura se presenta la captura de pantalla del modelo realizado en simulink

matlab sim
Simulation DC Machine


Datos del motor

%% update 2021
% Datos dc motor conected separately excited

clear all; close all; clc
Snom => rated power      [VA]        p =>   pair of poles      
f    => rated frequency  [Hz]        
Vll  => peak value of rated phase voltage [V] 
1) Datos de placa del motor de cd
n -> velocidad [rpm]                        Ua -> Tensión en el inducido [V]  
Ia -> intensidad en el inducido [A]    Vfd -> Tensión en el inductor [V]  
ifd -> intensidad en el inductor [A]    P -> potencia [W]
wbase -> velocidad [rad/s]              
Pnom=2200;    n=1000;       Ua=220;     wbase=2*pi*n/60; 
Vfd=200;         ia=11;          ifd=0.9;
2) Circuito Electrico
Ra -> Resistencia de armadura [ohms]        La -> Inductancia de armadura [Henry]
Rf -> Resistencia de campo [ohms]            Lf -> Inductancia de campo [Henry]
J ->    [Kg/m^2]                B -> [Nms^2]    Kb ->   [Nm/A^2]    
%d.Ra=8+1.4+3.8;     d.La=1;    d.Rf=350;  d.Lf=7.6;   
... NOTA: Ea2=n2*Ea1/n1=208.727;    k_phi2=Ea2/w2=0.83397;    
d.Ra=2.442176945;  d.La=0.14098873;  d.Rf=211.5859;   d.Lf=7.1278;    
d.J=0.01347;        d.B=0.006316;   d.Kb=1.909;      

ini=[11; 0.9;104.7198]; TL0=20.33759;
save d

Modelado dinámico del motor de DC

%% update 2021
 Simulation of DC Machine Transient Behavior
inputs  -> [Ua Uf  Tl]
states -> [ia if wm]
function [sys,x0,str,ts]=MotorDC3th(t,x,u,flag,d,ini)
switch flag,
case 0,  [sys,x0,str,ts]=mdlInitializeSizes(d,ini);
case 1,  sys=mdlDerivatives(t,x,u,d);
case 3,  sys=mdlOutputs(t,x,u,d);
case {2,4,9},   sys=[];
        error(['Unhandled flag=',num2str(flag)]);

function [sys,x0,str,ts]=mdlInitializeSizes(d,ini)
 sizes = simsizes;                  sizes.NumContStates  =3; 
 sizes.NumDiscStates  =0;    sizes.NumOutputs     =3;
 sizes.NumInputs      =3;       sizes.DirFeedthrough =0;        
 sizes.NumSampleTimes =1;   sys = simsizes(sizes);
x0=ini;     str=[];      ts=[0 0];   

function sys=mdlDerivatives(t,x,u,d)   
%Laf=d.Kb/ifd; %Te=Laf*ia*ifd;
Ua=u(1); Ufd=u(2); Tm=u(3);
ia=x(1); ifd=x(2); w=x(3);

function sys=mdlOutputs(t,x,u,d)

Inicialización del motor

%% update 2021
% datos del motor

TL0 = 0;    Ua0=0;  Vfd0=0;      % Note: These parameters must be zero 
wmec0 = 1000*2*pi/60;  ia0=11; ifd0=0.9;
%wmec0 = 700*2*pi/60;  ia0=0.69; ifd0=0.9;
%wmec0 = 295*2*pi/60;  ia0=0.78; ifd0=0.9;
%wmec0 = 295*2*pi/60;  ia0=0.69; ifd0=0.9;
%i0=0.48 0.52 0.57 0.61 0.65 0.68 0.69 0.71 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83

disp(sprintf('\t 1).  Operating Point Specifics Define '));
disp(sprintf('\t \t \t- wmec0  = %d  [rad/s]',wmec0));
disp(sprintf('\t  Unknown: '));  
disp(sprintf('\t \t \t \t \t Ua, Vfd, Tm0 \n'));
Model_spec = operspec(NameModel) ; % obtiene el punto de operacion
... outputs
... inputs
Model_spec.States(1).Known= [1 1 1]';           Model_spec.States(1).x = [ia0 ifd0 wmec0]';  
Model_spec.Input(1).Known = 0;           Model_spec.Input(1).u = Ua0; % 
Model_spec.Input(2).Known = 0;           Model_spec.Input(2).u = Vfd0; % 
Model_spec.Input(3).Known = 0;           Model_spec.Input(3).u = TL0; % 

Model_spec.Outputs(1).Known =1;                 Model_spec.Outputs(1).y     = ia0;
Model_spec.Outputs(2).Known =1;                 Model_spec.Outputs(2).y     = ifd0;
Model_spec.Outputs(3).Known =1;                 Model_spec.Outputs(3).y     = wmec0;
... Find the operating point values  about the operating point
ini=NameModel_op.States.x;                  Ua0 = NameModel_op.Input(1).u;
Vfd0 = NameModel_op.Input(2).u;         TL0 = NameModel_op.Input(3).u;
save NameModel_op
disp '¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬';
disp(sprintf(' SOLUTION:'));            disp(sprintf(' Ua0  =%d',Ua0));
disp(sprintf(' Vfd0  =%d',Vfd0));      disp(sprintf(' TL =%d',TL0));
disp '¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬';

salida al ejecutar el código

>> IniCond_2021
	 1).  Operating Point Specifics Define 
	 	 	- wmec0  = 1.047198e+02  [rad/s]
	 	 	 	 	 Ua, Vfd, Tm0 

 Operating Point Search Report:

 Operating Report for the Model SimMotorDC3th.
 (Time-Varying Components Evaluated at time t=0)

Operating point specifications were successfully met.
(1.) SimMotorDC3th/MotorDC
      x:            11      dx:     -1.41e-12 (0)
      x:           0.9      dx:             0 (0)
      x:           105      dx:     -5.28e-13 (0)

(1.) SimMotorDC3th/U(a)
      u:           227    [-Inf Inf]
(2.) SimMotorDC3th/U(fd)
      u:           190    [-Inf Inf]
(3.) SimMotorDC3th/T(L)
      u:          20.3    [-Inf Inf]

(1.) SimMotorDC3th/out
      y:            11    (11)
(2.) SimMotorDC3th/out
      y:           0.9    (0.9)
(3.) SimMotorDC3th/out
      y:           105    (105)

 Ua0  =2.267740e+02
 Vfd0  =1.904273e+02
 TL =2.033759e+01

Linealización del modelo

%% update 2021
% datos del motor

TL0 = 0;    Ua0=0;  Vfd0=0;      % Note: These parameters must be zero 
wmec0 = 1000*2*pi/60;  ia0=11; ifd0=0.9;
%wmec0 = 700*2*pi/60;  ia0=0.69; ifd0=0.9;
%wmec0 = 295*2*pi/60;  ia0=0.78; ifd0=0.9;
%wmec0 = 295*2*pi/60;  ia0=0.69; ifd0=0.9;
%i0=0.48 0.52 0.57 0.61 0.65 0.68 0.69 0.71 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83

disp(sprintf('\t 1).  Operating Point Specifics Define '));
disp(sprintf('\t \t \t- wmec0  = %d  [rad/s]',wmec0));
disp(sprintf('\t  Unknown: '));  
disp(sprintf('\t \t \t \t \t Ua, Vfd, Tm0 \n'));
Model_spec = operspec(NameModel) ; % obtiene el punto de operacion
... outputs
... inputs
Model_spec.States(1).Known= [1 1 1]';           Model_spec.States(1).x = [ia0 ifd0 wmec0]';  
Model_spec.Input(1).Known = 0;           Model_spec.Input(1).u = Ua0; % 
Model_spec.Input(2).Known = 0;           Model_spec.Input(2).u = Vfd0; % 
Model_spec.Input(3).Known = 0;           Model_spec.Input(3).u = TL0; % 

Model_spec.Outputs(1).Known =1;                 Model_spec.Outputs(1).y     = ia0;
Model_spec.Outputs(2).Known =1;                 Model_spec.Outputs(2).y     = ifd0;
Model_spec.Outputs(3).Known =1;                 Model_spec.Outputs(3).y     = wmec0;
... Find the operating point values  about the operating point
ini=NameModel_op.States.x;                  Ua0 = NameModel_op.Input(1).u;
Vfd0 = NameModel_op.Input(2).u;         TL0 = NameModel_op.Input(3).u;
save NameModel_op
disp '¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬';
disp(sprintf(' SOLUTION:'));            disp(sprintf(' Ua0  =%d',Ua0));
disp(sprintf(' Vfd0  =%d',Vfd0));      disp(sprintf(' TL =%d',TL0));
disp '¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬';

Determinación de la función de transferencia

load NameModel_tf
DH=step([num_tf{i,j}],[den_tf{i,j}],t)  specify the transfer function from input j to output i
... separacion de los terminos de tf
[num,den]=tfdata(NameModel_tf);  %celldisp(num);celldisp(den)
... Funciones de transferencia obtenidas:
...NUM{i,j} and DEN{i,j} specify the  transfer function from input j to output i. 
tf11=NameModel_tf(1,1);  %(i,j)  Ua &ia
tf31=NameModel_tf(3,1);  %(i,j)  Ua &wm
tf22=NameModel_tf(2,2);  %(i,j)  Ufd &ifd
tf13=NameModel_tf(1,3);  %(i,j)  Tm &ia
tf33=NameModel_tf(3,3);  %(i,j)  Tm &wm

disp '¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬'
disp('control Ufd & ifd')
[A22,B22,D22,H22]=tf2ss(num{2,2},den{2,2}); printsys(A22,B22,D22,H22) %
... comportamiento en lazo abierto
figure('Name',' disturbance step response to Ifd')
t=[0:0.001:0.5];  [y,x,t]=step(num{2,2},den{2,2},t); % respuesta al escalon
subplot(3,1,1),plot(t,y);grid; xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('ifd [N]'); hold on
... Comportamiento en lazo cerrado
...figure('Name','Close-loop disturbance step response')
roots(den_cl) % para conocer los polos inestables %[r,k]=rlocfind(tf_cl);
[y,x,t]=step(num_cl,den_cl,t); % respuesta al escalon
subplot(3,1,2),plot(t,y);grid; xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('ifd [sec]'); hold on
... controlador PI
...figure('Name','Close-loop with control')
tf_ctr22=tf(13693*[0.019 1],[1 0]);  save tf_ctr22
...figure(1), bode (tf_ctr35);  figure(2), 
... nyquist (tf_ctr35) %That's the Im-axis in the Nyquist diagram  
tf_ctrOK=series(tf_ctr22,tf22);     tf_cl=feedback(tf_ctrOK,1);
subplot(3,1,3),plot(t,y); xlabel('time [sec]'), ylabel('ifd(t)')

Ajuste del control

NOTA: revisar esta con los chicos


Directorios Motor DC

Modelado matemático del motor dc

Diseño del control del motor de dc


parte de modelado del motor


Implementación del control con PSIM


Implementación experimental del motor con XPCtarget

