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Rules of modal verbs

  • 1) Here no infinitives
  • 2) no “s” en “3rd” person singular
  • 3) followed by infinitive with/outwith “to”

ilusion + anticipacion

  • I’m bringing clothes this evening

ERROR: I go play tennis


  • this evening => I going to get up at 7:00 am tomorrow
  • this weekend => I going working in laboratory this weekend
  • next month/ year (?) I going traveling this year


  • be able to
  • may should

ERROR: will can

  • Congratulations! Don’t worry you can always get a divorce!
  • I’m sure you’ll be happy
  • Don’t worry I’m sure you’ll be better tomorrow
  • That’s great you’ll like New York
  • That’s great you’ll have a good time

  • Don’t worry I’ll lend you some money
  • you hit the lottery

  • pepe have a lot of money to ask for borrow


  • shall (1st person only)
  • shall I make some tea?
  • suggestion: shall me dance?


  • something you hope to do you have to do in the future you thinking about doing you do in the New Year you are sure you’ll be able to do you will surely do for another person


two people in the love

I’ll always love you

I’ll always be with you

I’ll marry you
