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9A present perfect: verb be


full form contraction  
I have I‘ve been to Rome
You have You‘ve  
He/she/it has He/she/it’s  
we/you/they have we/you/they‘ve  


full form contraction  
I have not I haven’t been to Venice
You have not You haven’t  
He/she/it has not He/she/it hasn’t  
we/you/they have not we/you/they haven’t  
question   affirmative   negative  
Have I been to Paris? Yes, I have No, I haven’t
Have you     You have   You haven’t
Has he/she/it     He/she/it has   He/she/it hasn’t
Have we/you/they     we/you/they have   we/you/they haven’t
  • He’s been to Italy= He visited Italy and come back
  • He’s gone to Italy=He’s in Italy now

9B present perfect: regular and irregular verbs

infinitive present perfect  
regular verbs cry have cried
kiss have kissed  
queque have quequed  
irregular verbs buy have bought
leave have left  
see have seen  
speak have spoken  

Present perfect or past simple

  • Have you seen the film? Yes,I have
  • When did you see it? I saw it last week
  • I saw the film last week
  • When did you see it? NOT When have you seen it?
  • I saw it last week NOT I’ve seen it last week