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7A countable/uncontable nouns

  • one apple, two apples, three apples
  • butter,meat NOT: two butters, three meats
  • an ice cream
  • some ice cream

a/an, some/any

countable uncontable  
+ we need an apple some butter
some apples some milk  
- we don’t need a tomato any rice
any tomatoes any sugar  
? Do we need a tomato? any rice?
any tomatoes? any sugar?  
  • Can I have some coffee?
  • Would you like some biscuits?

7B how much/how many

Uncontable(singular) Full answers Short answers
How much water I drink a lot of water A lot
do you drink? I drink quite a lot of water Quite a lot
  I don’t drink much water Not much
  I don’t drink any water None
Contable(plural) Full answers Short answers
How many sweets I ate a lot of sweets A lot
did you eat? I ate quite a lot of sweets Quite a lot
  I didn’t eat many sweets Not many
  I didn’t eat any sweets None
  • quite a lot (of) for quite a big quantity
  • not… much with U nouns for a small quantity
  • not… many with C plural nouns for a small quantity
  • not… any(none in short answers) for zero quantity

7C be going to (plans)


Full form Contraction  
I am I‘m  
You are You‘re going to have
He/she/it is He/she/it’s a holiday
we/you/they are we/you/they‘re next month


Full form Contraction  
I am not I‘m not  
You are not You aren’t going to have
He/she/it is not He/she/it isn’t a holiday
we/you/they are not we/you/they aren’t next month
Question Affirmative Negative      
Am I   Yes, I am No, I ‘m not
Are you going to have   you are   you aren’t
Is he/she/it a holiday   he/she/it is   he/she/it isn’t
Are we/you/they next month?   we/you/they are   we/you/they aren’t
  • I’m going to go OR I’m going to go
  • tomorrow,next week,next year,etc

7D be going to (predictions)

  • (I think) they’re going to be very happy
  • (I think) It’s going to rain