Edit me


1: have got


Full form Contraction  
I have got I‘ve got a car
you have got you‘ve got  
she/he/it has got she/he/it’s got  
we/you/they have got we/you/they‘ve got  


Full form Contraction  
I have not got I haven’t got a car
you have not got you haven’t got  
she/he/it has not got she/he/it hasn’t got  
we/you/they have not got we/you/they haven’t got  
question     afirmative   negative
Have I got a car? Yes, I have got No, I haven’t got
Have you got     you have got   you haven’t got
Has he/she/it got     she/he/it has got   she/he/it hasn’t got
Have we/you/they got     we/you/they have got   we/you/they haven’t got
  • I’ve got a bike= I have a bike
  • Have you got a car?= Do you have a car?

2: will (future)


positive negative    
I ‘ll write I won’t write
You   You  
He/she/it   He/she/it  
we/you/they   we/you/they  
?     +   -  
Will I write? I ‘ll write I won’t write
  You   You   You  
  He/she/it   He/she/it   He/she/it  
  we/you/they   we/you/they   we/you/they  