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5A past simple of be: was/were

affirmative     Negative    
I was   I wasn’t  
You were   You weren’t  
He/she/it was famous He/she/it wasn’t famous
we/you/they were   we/you/they weren’t  
  • My grandfather was born in London
question     Afirmative   Negative  
was I   Yes, I was No, I wasn’t
were You     you were   you weren’t
was he/she/it famous   he/she/it was   he/she/it wasn’t
were we/you/they     we/you/they were   we/you/they weren’t

5B past simple regular verbs

affirmative   negative  
I   I  
you   you  
He/she/it worked yesterday He/she/it didn’t work yesterday
we/you/they   we/you/they  

Spelling rules for regular verbs

Infinitive Past Spelling
watch wacthed add -ed
play played  
live lived add -d
smoke smoked  
stop stoped one vowel+one consonant=double consonant
study studied consonant +y>ied
question     affirmative     negative    
  I   Yes, I   No, I  
  you     you     you  
Did he/she/it work yesterday?   he/she/it/ did   he/she/it/ didn’t
  we/you/they     we/you/they     we/you/they  
  • worked, lived, played

5C past simple irregular verbs

Infinitive Past + Past -
go went didn’t go
have had didn’t have
get got didn’t get
buy bought didn’t buy
leave left didn’t leave
drive drove didn’t drive
meet met didn’t meet
see saw didn’t see
wear wore didn’t wear
do did didn’t do
  • I saw a film last night
  • Did you see a film last night? NOT: Did you saw …?
  • Did you go out last night?
  • Where did you go?