Edit me

Unit 1

1A Present tense verb be +

Full form Contraction
I am your teacher I‘m you teacher
You are in room 13 You‘re in room 13
He is James He’s James
She is Marta She’s Marta
It is a school It’s a school
We are students We‘re students
You are in Class 2 You‘re in Class 2
They are teachers They‘re teachers
  • Use capital I. I‘m your teacher. NOT: i’m.

  • you= singular and plural.
  • Use he for a man, she for a woman, and it for a thing.
  • Use they for people and things.
  • In contractions ‘=a missing letter, e.g. ‘m=am
  • Use contractions in conversation.

1B Present tense verb be - and ?

Full Form Contraction  
I am not I‘m not  
You are not You aren’t Italian
He/She/It is not He/she/It isn’t Spanish
We are not We aren’t British
You are not You aren’t  
They are not They aren’t  
  • Put not after the verb to make negatives.-
  • You can also contract are not and is not like this:

You are not Italian–You‘re not Italian

She is not Polish–She’s not Polish

question     affirmative   negative
Am I Polish? Yes, I am No, I‘m not
Are you     you are   you aren’t
Is he/she/it     he/she/it is   he/she/it isn’t
Are we     we are   we aren’t
Are you     you are   you aren’t
Are they     they are   they aren’t

In questions, put be before you,he,etc.

  • Are you Spanish? NOT: You are Spanish?
  • Where are you from? NOT: Where you are from?
  • Are you Scottish? Yes, I am. NOT: Yes, I’m

1C Possessive adjectives: my, your, etc

Person possessive adjectives
I‘m Italian My family are from Rome
You‘re in level 1 This is your classroom
He’s the director His name is Michel
She’s your teacher Her name is Tina
It’s a school Its name is Queen’s School
We‘re an international school Our students are from many differents countries
They‘re new students Their names are David and Emma
  • his=of a man,her=of a woman,its=of a thing
  • their=of men,women,or things
  • possessive adjectives don’t change with plural nouns. Our students NOR ours students

BE CAREFUL with it’s and its

  • it’s= it is It’s a school
  • its=possessive its name is

1D articles: a/an,the,plurals,this/that/these/those

a/an (indefinitive article)

  • It’s a bag/pen
  • It’s an identify card/umbrella

  • Use a/an with a singular noun.
  • Use an with a noun beggining with a vowel (a,e,i,o,u).

the (definitive article)

  • Open the door.
  • Close the windows.

  • Use the when we know wich (door,windows). Open the door. NOT Open a door
  • Use the with sigular and plural nouns


Singular Plural Spelling
a book books add -s
a key keys add -s
a watch watches add -es after
a box boxes ch,sh,s,x
a country countries consonant + y>ies
a dictionary dictionaries  

Add -s to make plural nouns.

  • It’s a pen
  • They’re pens

Don’t use a/an with plural nouns.

  • They’re pens. NOT They’re a keys.


  • What’s this? It’s a ligther.
  • That car is Italian.
  • These watches are Japanese.
  • What are those? They’re tables.

  • Use this/these for things near you.
  • Use that/those for things far away.
  • this/that= singular
  • these/those= plural