Edit me

4A can/can’t

affirmative   negative  
I   I  
You   You  
He/she/it can swim He/she/it can’t swim
we/you/they can come we/you/they can’t come
  • Contraction: can’t=can not
  • can has different meaning
  • I can swim=I know how to
  • I can come=It’s possible for me (I’m not busy)
  • Can you help me?=Please help me

I can swim NOT: I can to swim

question     affirmative     negative    
I swim? Yes, I   No, I    
can you come?   you can   you can’t
he/she/it help?   he/she/it     he/she/it    
we/you/they     we/you/they     we/you/they    

4B like (+ verb +-ing)

+verb +-ing
I love shopping
I like going to the cinema
I don’t like doing housework
I hate driving at night

spelling rules for the -ing form

Infinitive verb+-ing spelling
cool I like cooking add -ing
study She hates studying  
dance I love dancing e + -ing
shop I don’t like shopping one vowel +one consonant -double consonant +-ing

4C object pronouns: me,you,him,etc

I me wait for me
you you I love you
he him She isn’t in love with him
she her He kisses her
it it I don’t like it
we us Can you help us?
you you See you tomorrow
they them Phone them this evening
  • She meets John. She invites him to her house.
  • I love you NOT: I you love
  • Listen to me! I’m love with her. NOT: I’m in love with she

4D possessive pronouns: mine,yours,etc

Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns
I It’s my car It’s mine
you It’s your car It’s yours
he It’s his car It’s his
she It’s her car It’s hers
we It’s our car It’s ours
they It’s their car It’s theirs
  • A Whose book is it? Is it yours?
  • B Yes, it’s mine
  • It’s my car, OR It’s mine
  • This is yours. NOT This is the yours